Airsoft is a popular sport and if you have been looking lately to buy your favorite airsoft gun you might very well have figured out that they are out of stock all the time. Although airsoft guns are in demand nowadays, several factors still affect their supplies, causing them to go out of stock often.
Airsoft guns go out of stock so often because of the increasing numbers of shooting organizations and restrictive airsoft gun laws. By learning more about these factors, you can weigh your options and even look for other second-hand markets from which to buy an airsoft gun.
It is frustrating enough to look for credible markets, let alone think about why there is a shortage of new gun models in this industry. Read on to learn why airsoft guns are out of stock so often.
Increasing Numbers of Shooting Organizations
In recent years, an increasing number of shooting organizations in developed countries have been effective in encouraging the use of airsoft guns. These countries include:
- The United States
- The United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Italy
These organizations host a variety of airsoft gun events in order to recruit new members.
A growing interest in real-world shooting simulation sports is enticing a large segment of the baby boomer and generation X populations to take an active role in this sport.
In addition, it is expected that the scope for airsoft guns will expand in the coming years due to the increasing importance of leisure activities such as target shooting or shooting sports in various places, including family entertainment centers.
Airsoft Organizations in Europe
In fact, many U.K.-based companies provide online information about Airsoft and BB gun events across Europe, such as the “Just BB Guns” Ltd. Airsoft gunfights are also held every month by the “Ace Group,” a U.K.-based company. As consumer interest in airsoft grows, a growing number of organizations are creating airsoft leagues around the world.
With regard to airsoft shooting, the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) holds global championship events. This competition attracts competitors from over 105 countries each year. Demand for airsoft guns is being driven by a group of people with around 200K members around the world who want to spread the word about this event.

Airsoft Organizations in America
As well as that, this sport has been adopted by a large number of schools and colleges across North America and Europe, with many requiring their teams to compete in inter-school competitions of this nature.
However, as the number of eye injuries caused by airsoft guns continues to rise, consumers become increasingly concerned about their own safety when using them. With that, the increasing global importance of high-tech safety eyewear will almost certainly alleviate safety concerns in the future.
Airsoft Gun Laws in Different Countries
Airsoft is a team-based shooting sport in which participants utilize a replica of real-world weapons. It is one of the most participatory sports, and the best part is that there are almost no casualties in this mock military combat sport, with a few notable exceptions.
As a harmless shooting game, it is legal in a large number of countries. However, there are some instances where airsoft guns are classified alongside firearms and restricted in some countries. Since possessing and purchasing these replica guns in those countries is prohibited, stocks of these items are also limited or, most often, out-of-stock.
Below are some of the countries with policies and regulations that prohibit or restrict the use of airsoft guns:
Airsoft is a challenging sport to play in Australia due to legal concerns. The majority of people who are informed about current events are aware that Australia has banned Airsoft. And those who support this sport are doing everything possible to convince law enforcement that it poses no real threat.
However, as of now, anyone interested in purchasing an airsoft gun must obtain police confirmation and certification. Although the government officially classifies airsoft guns as toy guns, you must still obtain police approval. Also, the situation is not uniform across Australia’s states.
To own an airsoft gun in some states of Australia, you must first obtain a firearms license. Although, given that it is a replica and poses no threat to human life, the idea of getting a firearm license is still criticized.
Because airsoft is strictly regulated, it is believed to be prohibited in China. The law is so strict in regards to airsoft, and the penalties are so severe that it is frequently regarded as unreasonable for ordinary people to play. The laws are so strict because they consider airsoft to be a war game.
The other major issue is that the Chinese government has banned the manufacture of airsoft/bb guns. While they are still being manufactured, they must be smuggled out of the country via bribes and other means, making it even more challenging to obtain new stock.
Airsoft weapons of any and all types are currently prohibited in the state of Queensland.
According to state law, it is unlawful to purchase or possess any kind of airsoft gun, making it illegal to import or manufacture. Because of this, airsoft guns are often out-of-stock in this state.
War games, such as airsoft and paintball, are classified as such under the Firearms Act of 1996 in Tasmania. With that, all forms of war games are prohibited there. Moreover, it is against the law to participate in, allow, assist, or promote any war games in the state of Tasmania.
In some cases, such as self-defense, having a firearm is legal. However, when it comes to airsoft guns and weapons, there is not much of a “genuine reason” to have one in Tasmania. Because of this, airsoft guns are prohibited in Tasmania.
If you’re a gun enthusiast, airsoft is an excellent way to own and use a firearm without the risks and expenses that come with owning a real gun. In terms of costs, airsoft is the most cost-effective option.
It’s a less expensive solution for those who are eager to participate in war games but don’t wish to spend excessive amounts of money. Owning an airsoft gun can cut down on a real weapon’s expensive maintenance costs, eliminate the need to purchase training ammunition, and make visiting a shooting range on a regular basis unnecessary.